I was overly excited DSW gave me permission to find styles on their site to vote on my weekly fashion Friday voting on my Instastories.
I love finding trends and creating fashion forecasts to estimate what will be in style for the next few months. I usually have it on the Pinterest, but I’ll be sharing on my site more often. What I usually do for #FashionFriday, I go on instastories and upload fashion photos with a theme. I’ve done “on the runway lewks” with the new hot trends coming up, or I’ve done futuristic vibes ( I may bring that back I love that vibe), to wacky fashion fads, to jewelry and hair… LaLa is everywhere. Fashion is a passion of mine, and if you are still reading, then it must also be your type of vibe. It is fun because I get to interact with you more and see how you vote on the styles. It is hilarious to see some of the responses on the gram!
When it comes to DSW, you get EVERYTHING! From flats, heels, pumps, tennis shoes to celebrity and brand names, you can NEVER GO WRONG with your purchase. I love how they cater to everyone.
Lately I’m a sucker for unusual heels, and heels in general. By using their website, I got to see this and many more styles that you as the audience will enjoy. Here are some that are trending on their site right now as we speak.

DSW unusual heels
DSW Flats
DSW Booties
DSW JLo’s new line

What is your favorite category of footwear? Did you enjoy any of these styles?
For me, I love high heels. As I get older, I tend to wear more platform heel than anything. I like the hippy daze coming back, ya feel me?